Getting ready to pack up the laptop and head out to Boston. I did not think I could over pack but I have to do an edit to my suitcase and carry on. I always think I will want this or that when I get there and then when there, you look at it and say "why did I bring this"? I probably will not need all six guide books I am bringing. I will be overwhelmed with information when I get to all the tourist sites, I am sure. (Maybe the pages in the back will be in English).
One thing was obvious to me and kind of curious (to me also), was the fact that on all the tourist web sites for Paris and France, many were in French when you opened the site. There usually is a language choice bar somewhere on the page, represented by national flags. For English translation of the pages, the icon is the British flag. Very rarely was it the US flag. Now, I do not mean to sound like the "arrogant American" I will be while visiting Paris, I would bet that for every British visitor to France there are AT LEAST ten Americans who probably spend twenty times as much money there. AND we did bail there butts out of the Nazi occupation.... Oh well, It is slowly turning into a global community now. After all the countries of Europe are all part of "The Union of the European Economy". The Euro has trumoed the Franc, Dutchmark, Liara etc...Not the Pound Sterling though, the brits are holdouts, just like in WWII. Maybe the french use the UK flag as a neighborly gesture. "Au diable les Américains arrogants"!
See you on the Left Bank.
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